Friday, October 30, 2015

10 Things Great Dads Do - Rick Johnson

First, I am reviewing this as a mother, not a father.

This was a practical, down to earth book.  I appreciate Rick's honesty in writing this book.  He is writing from the perspective of being not only a father of 2, but a grandfather who took a large part of raising one of their granddaughters.  He doesn't try to be politically or socially accurate: he tells it like he sees it.  In this way, I can see him offending some readers.  However, if you're able to hear the heart of what he is saying, I believe you will find a lot of wisdom in this book.

The chapters themselves give a good idea of what this book entails:
1. Have Fun! The Importance of Humor and Play
2. Go Outside Your Comfort Zone: But It's Uncomfortable Out Here!
3. Surround Yourself with Healthy Friends and Couples: It Matters!
4. Communicate with Your Children: Someone Is Going to Influence Them
5. Develop Your "Brand" : When Everyone Knows Your Name
6. A Man's Spirituality: Finding Yours So You Can Teach Your Children Theirs
7. Your Child's Spirituality: Helping Your Child Find Their Way
8. Teaching Character: Allowing Your Children to Suffer
9. Children, Members of the Family: Not the Center of the Universe
10. Not in My House: Dad, the Gatekeeper of the Home

I have a few problems with chapters 6 and 7.  Namely, his use of the term "spirituality" and what that entails.  I expected this to be a Christian book, written by a Christian author...and while I do actually believe those two things to be true, he goes a little further out of his way than necessary to cater to a wider audience.  For example, in a section on teaching your children to pray, he lists the steps of prayer, and the last step is "If you are a Christian, end with 'In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.''"  Excuse me?  IF you're a Christian?  Is he?  If so, he should be aware that "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12) There is no purpose in praying, if it be not to Christ.  I wish he would be a bit less "religiously correct" and a little more Biblically accurate in this.

All in all, I found this a helpful, practical book.  Do I agree with everything written inside it?  No.  But it is insightful and gives us as parents, things to think about.

I was given this book by Revell Reads, a division of Baker Publishing Group, in exchange for an honest review.

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