This is a short story about a polar bear cub and her mama's advice about sleep: from her playing outside, to her mama tucking her in at night and a conversation about dreams...the cub doesn't sleep well and is grouchy the next day until finally night rolls around and she determines that God gave us sleep so we will have good days.
I am honestly not sure what I think about this book. It seems like a book geared towards 2-4 year olds, but the text is geared more towards 6-8 year olds, I would say. The pictures are adorable...but the text/story seems stilted. One complaint I have is that the entire book is about Mama talking to her cub, and then suddenly on the second night towards the end of the book, Papa says it is time for bed...but until then he was MIA.
It is a cute book. I'm not a huge fan, and probably wouldn't pay money for it. I received this copy free from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.